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13th PhD-Student Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE) 20-21 febrero 2025
Del 20 al 21 de febrero de 2025
Aula Magna. Facultad de Economía y Empresa
The Research Center on Economics and Sustainability, ECO-SOS) studies the connection between sustainability and the following areas of interest: environmental and climate economics, health economics, regional and urban economics, education and labor market business and innovation, energy and natural resources, industrial organization, economic policy, game theory and environmental conflicts, and transport and tourism.
ECO-SOS Xerrada 2024-2025
Aula Magna. Facultad de Economía y Empresa
ECO-SOS Xerrada, es el acto de apertura del curso académico 2024-2025 organizado por el Centro de Investigación en Economía y Sostenibilidad (ECO-SOS).
La conferencia “Más allá del PIB: Pasado, presente y retos de futuro del Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales", irá a cargo de Xavier Cuadras (Director de l'Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya IDESCAT).
El acto tendrá lugar el martes 8 de octubre, a las 12 del mediodía en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de Reus (Avda. de la Universidad, 1)
Imprescindible confirmar la asistencia por limitaciones de aforo en el tel. 977 758936 o en la dirección electrónica
Workshop on Energy and Ecological Transition
Sala de graus. Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Reus
The Research Project SPECTRUM is based on the social perception of the ecologica transition, by making a comprehensive analysis of the interactions between the socioeconomic and communicative factors and people's opinion of the ecological issues at the regional level. The research is designed to capture the socio-economic determinants and the communication strategies that drive the people's view of environment and its territorial specificities in Spain, to derive policy measures to successfully reach a green economy in the horizon 2050. It combines techniques of sociology, economy, communication and computing to favor citizen's empowerment and citizens' active participation in the Spanish ecological pathway to a green economy. The research takes an inter-disciplinary methodology that integrates regional surveys to identify people's perception, macroeconomic models of economic impact analysis, microeconometric models, communication tools (Content Discourse Analysis) and computing techniques to follow a gradual design of policy mechanisms able to facilitate the Spanish ecological transition.