Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Walking through a pandemic: How did utilitarian walking change during COVID-19?

Article  - 

Delclòs-Alió, X., Gutiérrez, A.,Tomàs-Porres, J., Vich, G., Miravet, D., (2022): “Walking through a pandemic: How did utilitarian walking change during COVID-19?" International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

In this study we aim to explore how daily walking for transportation has evolved during partial COVID-19 restrictions, and evaluate whether the traditional and area-level determinants were modified during that period. Using and official travel survey in Southern Catalonia, we observed not only that utilitarian walking frequency and time spent on daily working has decreased, but also did its share compared to other means of transport. During the pandemic, household income and area-level income inequality were no longer predictors of utilitarian walking.

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Daniel Miravet

Josep Tomàs-Porres