Displaying from 1 to 1 of 1 entries available day 10/08/24
ECO-SOS Xerrada 2024-2025
Aula Magna. Faculty of Business Economics
The ECO-SOS Xerrada is the opening event of the 2024-2025 academic year organized by the Center for Research in Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS).
The conference "Beyond GDP: Past, present and future challenges of the National Accounts System", will be given by Xavier Cuadras (Director of the Statistics Institute of Catalonia IDESCAT)
The event will take place on Thursday, October 8, at 12 noon, in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Business and Economics in Reus (Av. de la Universitat, 1)
It is essential to confirm attendance due to capacity limitations on the tel. 977 758936 or to the email address eco-sos@urv.cat