Displaying from 251 to 260 of 277 available piece of news
Seminar, Maria Savona (12/06/2013)
On the 12th June at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, Maria Savona (University of Sussex - SPRU), will present his working paper entitled "Is money all? Financing versus knowledge and demand constraints to innovation"
Seminar, Fabio Pieri (05/06/2013)
On the 5th June at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, Fabio Pieri (Universitat de València), will present his working paper entitled "Product market regulation and innovation efficiency"
Seminar, Lorenzo Cappellari (29/05/2013)
On 29th May at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, Lorenzo Cappellari (Universitá Católica de Milano), will present his working paper entitled "Alike in Many Ways: Intergenerational and Sibling Correlations of Brothers’ Earnings"
Alike in Many Ways: Intergenerational and Sibling Correlations of Brothers' Earnings
II Technical Seminar CREIP, Tourism Sector (23th May 2013)
L'acte portarà per títol " Les infraestructures i equipaments turístics com a eina de desenvolupament territorial" i comptarà amb la participació de Salvador Anton, degà de la Facultat de Turisme i Geografia de la URV; Fernando Aldecoa, director general de Port Aventura; Octavi Bono, gerent del Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona; Pere Granados, alcalde de Salou; Pere Torres, secretari d’Empresa i Competitivitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya i serà moderat per Juan Antonio Duro, CREIP, Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
Seminar, Marta Pascual (15/05/2013)
On the 15th May at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, Marta Pascual (BC3 Klima Aldaketa Ikergai), will present his working paper entitled " "Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Management in the Basque Country: linking human activities, biodiversity valuation and ecosystem services in supporting European Directives implementation"
Seminar, Anke Gerber (08/05/2013)
On the 8th May at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, Anke Gerber (University Hamburg), will present his working paper entitled "Strategic choices for redistribution and the veil of ignorance: Theory and experimental evidence"
Seminar, Paolo Casini (24/04/2013)
On the 24th April at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, Paolo Casini (Katholiek Universitaet Leuven), will present his working paper entitled "Microcredit and Price Competition: standardize to differentiate"
Microcredit and Price Competitions: standardize to differentiate -
Seminar, José Manuel Zarzuelo (17/04/2013)
On the 17th April at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, José Manuel Zarzuelo (UPB), will present his working paper entitled "Extending the Nash Solution to Choice Problems with Reference Points"
Seminar, Salvador Barberà (20/03/2013)
On 20th March at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, Salvador Barberà (UAB), will present his working paper entitled "Meritocracy, egalitarianism and the stability of majoritarian organizations"
Meritocracy, egalitarianism and the stability of majoritarian organizations
Seminar, Helmut Herwartz (13/03/2013)
On the 13th March at 1:15 p.m. in Sala de Graus of the Facultaty of Business and Economics, Dr. Helmut Herwartz (University of Göttingen), will present his working paper entitled "On the effect of prospective payment on hospital efficiency in Germany"