Displaying from 71 to 80 of 277 available piece of news
ECO-SOS & Dept. Economics Seminar Series: Jesús López-Rodríguez
On December 14 at 13:15 CET via Teams Jesús López-Rodríguez (U.Coruña) will present his working paper "Fiscal choices across Spanish municipalities: Do agglomeration economies matter?"
The format of presentation will be seminar type (25-30 min + final questions).
3rd ECO-SOS Doctorials, 15 December 2021
ECO-SOS Doctorials is a workshop designed to improve the training of doctoral students and disseminate their research activities. Specifically, they can present standard papers (20-minute presentation) and research ideas (5-minute presentation). In addition, there is also a presentation by a senior ECO-SOS researcher with the aim of explaining his/her research. This event takes place twice a year: before the PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE), in December, to serve as training for participating students, and before the summer, also as a training before the period in which most conferences and workshops are scheduled. The 3rd ECO-SOS Doctorals will be held on December 15 at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, in Reus. In this edition we will have 7 doctoral students who will present their research and we will have a final presentation “European Radical Right Populist Parties in Government: Macroeconomic Impact” by Montserrat Ferré, senior member of ECO-SOS.
3rd ECO-SOS Workshop on Economics and Sustainability, postponed to May 12 2023
The Research Centre on Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS) is a research centre created in 2010 as CREIP (Research Centre in Industrial and Public Economics), that recently moved to sustainability issues, in line with research interests of its members. Specifically, ECO-SOS studies the connection between sustainability and the following areas of interest: environmental and climate economics, health economics, regional and urban economics, education and labor market business and innovation, energy and natural resources, industrial organization, economic policy, game theory and environmental conflicts, and transport and tourism.
ECO-SOS Converses, with Mireia Jofre-Bonet
The 3rd edition of the ECO-SOS Conversations with Mireia Jofre-Bonet (Vice President and Head of Research of the Office of Health Economics (OHE), Professor at the City University of London, Senior Researcher associated with LSE Health Policy), entitled "Els efectes de la violència domèstica sobre la salut i el rendiment escolar dels menors d'edat", will take place on Wednesday 24 November at 13:15 CET. The event will be in the sala de graus of the Faculty of Business and Economics of Reus. We have planned a streaming broadcast via MS Teams and. In addition, we will record the event and upload it to our YouTube channel so that everyone can access it.
prior registration is required at eco-sos@urv.cat
ECO-SOS & Dept. Economics Seminar Series: Hubert János Kiss
On November 23 at 13:15 CET face to face in the faculty of Business and Economics and also via Teams Hubert János Kiss (Corvinus University & Hungarian Academy of Sciences) will present his working paper "Powerful Parental Preferences"
The format of presentation will be seminar type (25-30 min + final questions).
ECO-SOS Converses, with Miquel Puig
The 2nd edition of the ECO-SOS Conversations with Miquel Puig (Councilor of the City Council of Barcelona), entitled "El model turístic a Catalunya", will take place on Thursday 18 November at 12 noon. The event organized jointly with the School of Architecture of Reus (ear) will be in the Aula Magna at the Faculty of Business and Economics in Reus. We have planned a streaming broadcast via MS Teams. In addition, we will record the event and upload it to our YouTube channel so that everyone can access it.
ECO-SOS & Dept. Economics Seminar Series: Raffaele Fiocco
On November 9 at 13:15 a.m. face to face in the faculty of Business and Economics and also via Teams Raffaele Fiocco (University Bergamo) will present his working paper "Collusion through debt and managers” (joint with Salvatore Piccolo and Giancarlo Spagnolo).
The format of presentation will be seminar type (25-30 min + final questions).
ECO-SOS & Dept. Economics Seminar Series: Iryna Sicora
On November 16 at 13:15 a.m. face to face in the faculty of Business and Economics and also via Teams Iryna Sikora (Ricardo Energy & Environment) will present his working paper "The Determinants of CO2 Prices in the EU Emissions Trading System"
The format of presentation will be seminar type (25-30 min + final questions).
ECO-SOS & Dept. Economics Seminar Series: Akaki Mamageishvili
On October 19 at 13:15 a.m. face to face in the faculty of Business and Economics and also via Teams Akaki Mamageishvili (ETH, Zurich) will present his working paper "Appointed Learning for the Common Good: Optimal Committee Size and Efficient Rewards"
The format of presentation will be seminar type (25-30 min + final questions).
ECO-SOS Xerrada 2021-2022 "Els beneficis d'un model econòmic social i sostenible", Mònica Roca
ECO-SOS Xerrada 2021-2022, is the opening ceremony of the academic year 2021-2022 organized by the Research Centre on Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS).
The conference "Els beneficis d'un model econòmic social i sostenible" will be presented by Ms. Mònica Roca, Chairwoman of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.
The event will take place on Monday, September 20, at 12 noon,
in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Business and Economics of Reus (Av. de la Universitat, 1)