Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Theilen, Bernd

Catedràtic d'Universitat
PhD: Christian-Albrechts University Kiel
Office: 307
Grup: grode
Tel.: 977759813
Email: bernd.theilen(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
Web: Theilen, Bernd

  • Industrial Organization
  • Contract Theory
  • Public Economics

Bernd Theilen és catedràtic de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). Té una llicenciatura en Economia per la Universitat de Kiel i un Màster en Anàlisi Econòmica per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. De març del 2008 a octubre de 2009 va ser membre del Deganat i responsable d’Ensenyament d’Economia, on va col·laborar en el disseny dels nous Programes d’Estudi de Bolonya. Ha sigut director del Departament d’Economia de la URV, del 2009 fins octubre 2017.

És Doctor en Economia per la Universitat Christian-Albrechts de Kiel. La seva tesi analitzava el disseny organitzatiu i de contractes sota informació asimètrica.

Ha publicat articles en revistes internacionals sobre temes de disseny organitzatiu i de contractes sota informació asimètrica, intercanvi d’informació en oligopolis i comparacions internacionals de despesa en assistència sanitària. També ha participat en diversos projectes de transferència tals com l’anàlisi cost-benefici de la connexió del Port de Tarragona amb el Sistema Ferroviari Europeu.

Articles en revistes JCR
  • Herwartz, H.; Theilen, Bernd; Wang, S. (2024): "Unraveling the structural sources of oil production and their impact on CO2 emissions", Energy Economics ,132, 107488
  • Rodriguez-Justicia, D.; Theilen, Bernd (2023): “Ideological alignment, public sector size and tax morale: empirical evidence from OECD economies”, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications ,10, 663
  • Theilen, Bernd; Tomori, Françeska (2023): "Regulatory commitment versus non-commitment: Electric vehicle adoption under subsidies and emission standards", Resource and Energy Economics ,74, 101388
  • Fageda, X.; Flores-Fillol, Ricardo; Theilen, Bernd (2022): "Price versus quantity measures to deal with pollution and congestion in urban areas: A political economy approach", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management ,115, article 102719
  • Herwartz, H.; Rodríguez-Justícia, D.; Theilen, Bernd (2022): "A New Measure of Wage Risk: Occupation‑Specific Evidence for Germany", Social Indicators Research ,10.1007/s11205-022-02995-6,
  • Herwartz, H.; Theilen, Bernd (2022): "Effectiveness and counter‐cyclicality of fiscal consolidation under compliance regulation: The case of the Stability and Growth Pact", Economics & Politics ,10.1111/ecpo.12234,
  • Rodriguez-Justicia, D.; Theilen, Bernd (2021): "Immigration and tax morale: the role of perceptions and prejudices", Empirical Economics ,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-021-02083-7,
  • Esteve-González, P.; Herwartz, H.; Theilen, Bernd (2020): "National support for the European integration project: Does financial integration matter?", Economics & Politics ,DOI: 10.1111/ecpo.12166,
  • Herwartz, H.; Theilen, Bernd (2020): "Government ideology and fiscal consolidation: Where and when do government parties adjust public spending?", Public Choice ,DOI 10.1007/s11127-020-00785-7,
  • Fageda, X.; Flores-Fillol, Ricardo; Theilen, Bernd (2019): "Hybrid cooperation agreements in networks: The case of the airline industry", International Journal of Industrial Organization ,62, 194-227
  • Rodríguez Justicia, David; Theilen, Bernd (2018): "Education and tax morale", Journal of Economic Psycology ,64, 18-48
  • Sanz Córdoba, Patricia; Theilen, Bernd (2018): "Partial tax harmonization through infrastructure coordination", Economic Inquiry ,DOI: 10.1111/ecin.12554,
  • Esteve-González, P.; Theilen, Bernd (2017): "The economic determinants of party support for European integration", Acta Poltica ,53, 348-366
  • Herwartz, H.; Theilen, Bernd (2017): "Fiscal Decentralization and Public Spending: Evidence from Heteroscedasticity-Based Identification", The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy ,DOI 10.1515/bejeap-2016-0339,
  • Herwartz, H.; Theilen, Bernd (2017): "Ideology and redistribution through public spending", European journal of Political Economy ,46, 74-90
  • Herwartz, Helmut.; Sardà Pons, Jordi; Theilen, Bernd (2016): "Money demand and the shadow economy: empirical evidence from OECD countries", Empirical Economics ,50, 1627–1645
  • Theilen, Bernd; Herwartz, Helmut (2016): "Ideology and redistribution through public spending", European Journal of Political Economy ,46, 74-90
  • Flores-Fillol, Ricardo; Ibañez, G.; Theilen, Bernd (2014): "Domestic and international research joint ventures: The effect of collusion", Economics Letters ,122, 79-83
  • Herwartz, Helmut; Theilen, Bernd (2014): "On the political and fiscal determinants of income redistribution under federalism and democracy: evidence from Germany", Public Choice ,159, 121-139
  • Herwartz, Helmut; Theilen, Bernd (2014): "Partisan influence on social spending under market integration, fiscal pressure and institutional change”, European Journal of Political Economy ,34, 409-424
  • Slivko, Olga; Theilen, Bernd (2014): "Innovation or Imitation? The effect of spillovers and competitive pressure on firms' R&D strategy choice", Journal of Economics ,112, 253-282
  • Herwartz, Helmut; Theilen, Bernd (2013): "Does the EU financing system contributes to shadow economic activity?", Economics & Politics ,25, 135-161
  • Herwartz, Helmut; Theilen, Bernd (2013): "Health care and indeology: a reconsideration of political determinants of public healthcare funding in the OECD", Health Economics ,23, 225–240
  • Theilen, Bernd (2013): "Contract Delegation with Bargaining", Economic Inquiry ,51, 959-970
  • Theilen, Bernd (2012): "Decentralization of Contracts with interim side-contracting", Theory and Decision ,73, 561-590
  • Theilen, Bernd (2012): "Product differentiation and competitive pressure", Journal of Economics ,107, 257-266
  • Theilen, Bernd; Herwartz, H. (2010): "The determinants of health care expenditure: new results from semiparametric estimation", Health Economics ,19(8), 964-978
  • Theilen, Bernd (2009): "Market competition and lower tier incentives", The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics ,9 (1), 1-29
  • Theilen, Bernd (2009): "Monitoring gains and decentralization", The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics ,9 (1), 1-26
  • Theilen, Bernd (2008): "Lobbying and contract delegation in public procurement", The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy ,8, 1-38
  • Theilen, Bernd (2007): "Delegation and information sharing in Cournot duopoly", Journal of Economics ,92 (1), 21-50
  • Theilen, Bernd (2003): "Simultaneous moral hazard and adverse selection", Economics Letters ,79, 283-289
  • Theilen, Bernd; Herwartz, H. (2003): "The determinants of health care expenditure: testing pooling restrictions in small samples", Health Economics ,12, 113-124
  • Theilen, Bernd; Seidl, Ch. (1994): "Stochastical independence of distributional attitudes and social status", European Journal of Political Economy ,10, 295-310
  • Theilen, Bernd; Lütkepohl, H. (1991): "Measures of multivariate kurtosis and skewness", Statistical Papers ,32, 179-183
Articles en revistes no indexades en el JCR
  • Theilen, Bernd; Theilen Civera, M. (2020): "Cómo afectará la Covid-19 al mundo del deporte", Harvard Deusto Business Review ,301, 70-82
  • Theilen, Bernd (2009): "Hacia una aplicación correcta de los sistemas de incentivos", Harvard Deusto Business Review ,185, 61-70
  • Theilen, Bernd (2002): "Innovación y estructura organizativa de la empresa", Havard Deusto Business Review ,108, 68-76
  • Theilen, Bernd; Schmidt, U. (1995): "Prinzipal- und agententheorie", Wist ,9, 483-486
  • Theilen, Bernd (1996): "Optimal contract and organizational design under moral hazard and adverse selection", Editorial: Josef Eul, Bergisch Gladbach, Köln
Capítols en llibre
  • Fageda, X.; Flores-Fillol, Ricardo; Theilen, Bernd (2019): “Joint ventures in the transatlantic airline market", Kevin Cullinane (eds.) Advances in Airline Economics ,vol. 8, Emerald Books (ISSN:2212-1609)
  • Theilen, Bernd; Segarra Blasco, Agustí (2002): "La supervivencia de empresas", Segarra Blasco, Agustí (eds.) La creación y la Supervivencia de las Empresas Industriales ,Cívitas, Madrid
  • Theilen, Bernd (2000): "Prospectiva de cambios en el sector asegurador en España y su interrelación con el sistema de salud", C. Murillo (eds.) El mercado de los seguros sanitarios en España ,Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Madrid
  • Theilen, Bernd (1994): "Anreizmechanismen", Lexikon der Volkswirtschaftslehre ,Editorial: moderne industie, Landsberg
Convocatories competitives

Amb empreses
  • Títol: Impacto económico del desmantelamiento de la Central Nuclear Vandellòs I

    Investigador principal: Llop Llop, Maria

    Membres: Sardà Pons, Jordi; Theilen, Bernd; marti.oliva

    Referència: Any inici: 2005 Any final: 2007

    Entitat: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos, S.A.

  • Títol: Rentabilitat econòmica i social de la connexió ample via Europea

    Investigador principal: Segarra Blasco, Agustí

    Membres: Theilen, Bernd; monica.martin

    Referència: 004230 Any inici: 1999 Any final: 1999

    Entitat: APTA - Autoritat Portuària de Tarragona

Amb organismes publics
  • Títol: Creació, supervivència i creixement de les empreses industrials: una aplicació a l'arc de la mediterrània i a la vall de l'Ebre

    Investigador principal: Segarra Blasco, Agustí

    Membres: Theilen, Bernd; monica.martin

    Referència: 005862 Any inici: 2000 Any final: 2001

    Entitat: COCI - Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Tarragona

  • Títol: Prospectiva de cambios en el sector asegurador en España y su interrelación con el sistema de salud

    Investigador principal: Carlos Murillo Fort

    Membres: Carles Lavila, Misericòrdia; Theilen, Bernd; Belén López Panisello; Pere Segarra; Beatriz González

    Referència: Economia sectorial / 009454 - Sector de la salut Any inici: 199 Any final: 2000

    Entitat: MSCO - Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
